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About Me

Video Games

I like to play video games on my pc and xbox. I have an Xbox One S console that I sometimes play on because I got my new pc for christmas. Before I got the pc, I really was playing on my Xbox every day. I really like my new pc instead bacuse it had more games on it that on never played on my Xbox. I love it a lot, and I wish I can get a more cooler gaming setup.

Here are some of the games I play on my Xbox and Pc:


I like to travel to new places I never been to before. Its fun to just to explore and see new places and do new things that I think might be fun. I recently been to Atlanta, Georgia with my parents, grandparents, auntie and my cousin. My favorite part about the trip was that we went to the aquarium to see and enjoy the sea animals. But I never been outisde the country before, even though I have a passport.

Here are some place I would like to go that are outside the USA!

  1. Spain
  2. France
  3. New England
  4. Germany
  5. Norway
  6. Sweden
  7. Brazil
  8. Canada
  9. Mexico


I am a semi-perfect speedcuber, which means I am good a speedcubing but not perfect. I have been doing this for a year and a half and I still need lots of practice and patience. I am working on my algorithms right now. After I master the algorithms, I will need to work on my speed. Speedcubing is not easy, espically when your not lucky. It depends on the scrambles you get and how fast are you able to dicipher it.

Here are some of my records

45.06 secs
42.34 secs
31.89 secs
29.74 secs
25.60 secs