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Chino's Page

Summary of Aaron Torres

Hello world, this is WTHS student Aaron Torres typing from, well, WTHS. Im 16 at the moment and i have a plethora of interests. Im a pretty straight forward student, I love fashion and electronics, unusual combo but I also have a handful of hobbies. I participate in two sports, Basketball and Kickboxing. Im looking forward to being an Engineer or Architect in my future.

Favorite Foods

  1. Boba Tea
  2. Ice cream
  3. Salmon
  4. Sushi
  5. Wings
Kickboxing - I do training and spars for kickboxing, its a very harmful and rigorous sport, but only as much as it is fun. I have yet to lead up to my first official match as i dont have a license yet. I love the adrenaline and focus you get during fights. Basketball - I play basketball and am looking forword to this years winter season.
Outside of school and sports I have a high interest in fashion and electronics. Electronics since I game a lot and am very interested in PCs and computer parts. I like to collect shoes, I have a ton, and lastly I always dress with high regard and thought.
Educational Interests
I take interest in engineering and architecture. engineering specifically in the aerospace branch, i always had an interest in planes and their structure. Architecture also because i always thought that being able to design houses and pick from all the different styles of homes and technology was interesting. through my dad i actually get to attend a college of choice under scholarship.

Games I play

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